Pippins Gala of Hope

Beaumont, Texas

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Pippins Story

This sweet family is comprised of individuals named Jarvis, Ashley, Elliana, and Ethan. While the names provide you the identities in this family, they do not provide a full picture of their captivating family; a family built on the foundation of God’s Love. The sort of love that flows freely, genuinely, and envelops all who experience it. It makes sense that this love would naturally grow their family by one more—Elijah.

From the onset of the pregnancy, joy was personified in the smiles of Elijah’s parents and his siblings. Excitement, anticipation, gratitude, and logistical conversations about his arrival were so constant that each person involved was bubbling with eagerness to see their newest glimmer of light. Elijah had already brought a deeply rooted, unspoken community together and he had not yet entered the world. There was the same overflowing love.

This same love surrounded them as Jarvis sat in the hospital lobby, earnestly praying for both his wife and son to survive. In a matter of moments, their entire lives—once brimming with hope and happiness—shattered into fractals of pain and one fell swoop, they lost Elijah, nearly lost Ashley, and lost the womb that was home to each of their children. December 16th, 2023 will bear a scar in the forever-healing hearts of Jarvis and Ashley and the memory of sweet Elijah will continue to impact those touched by his brief time with them.

In the coming days, this family gathered strength from the one, true constant—the love of God—shown by church family, extended family, friends, but mostly from one another. The unspoken, ingrained commitment to this foundation of love echoed a silent assurance; this love would one day bring them all back together. When there were consecutive days of being almost swept away by grief, the cornerstone of love acted as a rudder for this family.

In time, they have been able to breathe the freshness of hope while daily remembering the loss they share. This unshakeable love and hope has brought them to desire to grow their family again. This beautiful family still has infinite love to give to more of their children! While this family could’ve hidden away from the world. They don’t because they choose faith. They choose to trust God. They opened their hearts to begin the journey of creating another life to grow in this love via surrogacy and/or adoption. This journey is one that cannot be successful without the support of those who love them.  Any acquired resources will help them with their desire to complete this journey of hope, faith, and love for the expansion of the Pippins Family.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life”

Proverbs 13:12

Event Details

  • Date: April 12, 2025
  • Time: 5:30 PM
  • Address: 700 Crockett Street
    Beaumont Texas 77701
  • Dress Code: Red Carpet/Black Tie
  • What to expect during Gala: 
    Silent auction, dinner and live performances.
  • *adults only preferred
Ticket Price: $100


We Have A Fundraising Goal of $75,000

We are reaching out to you to ask you to consider being a sponsor for our event. We would be honored to have your support as a sponsor for this event. Your sponsorship will help us achieve our fundraising goal of $75,000, which will be used to support our journey of hope, faith, and love for the expansion of the Pippins Family. There are different ways you can support donation of a product and/or service for our silent auction, donation towards fees associated with cost of hosting the event (food, venue) , or talents provided for the entertainment of the event.

In return for your generous support, we are pleased to offer the following benefits to our sponsors:
  • Recognition as a sponsor at the Pippins Gala of Hope
  • Opportunity to sponsor a product or service for the Silent Auction
  • Complimentary tickets to the event, including dinner and live performances

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to the possibility of partnering to make the Pippins Gala of Hope a success.

Sponsorship Options*

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life”

Proverbs 13:12

Contact Us For Any Questions

ashley.v.reed88@gmail.com | (903)238-4566